Netia Jones at the Proud Archivist

Netia Jones at the Proud Archivist

2nd December 2015
Netia Jones at the Proud Archivist - YPIA Blog
Written by Stella Toonen | 2nd December 2015

On 23 November video artist Netia Jones joined us at the Proud Archivist in Haggerston to talk about her work and the breaking of boundaries between different art disciplines. Netia is famous for her video designs for opera, including Alice in Wonderland (Barbican) and Kafka Fragments (Royal Opera House), with which she brings the productions to life. She talked about her vision on art and music, the skills necessary to do the work she does, the different attitudes towards smaller and bigger projects, and some tricks for getting things her way. Every story showed her passion for her work and each of the many questions from the audience received a honest and valuable answer. 

More pictures are available on our Facebook page here